Ax Force Paperback
A Desperate Fight for Freedom ... featuring New York's toughest Private Investigators, former US Special Forces operatives, Ax Hawke and Kael Stryker
If you like stories about:
- Relentless Pursuits Across Continents
- High-Stakes Espionage and Action Thrillers
- Powerful Adversaries and Imminent Threats
- Desperate Fights for Freedom
- Gritty and Determined Heroes
...you'll love Ty Patterson's new thriller.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Ty Patterson's thrillers should come with a health warning: Highly Addictive!" - Douglas Brown, verified reader
Ax Force: A Thriller
Samira had two choices. She could return to her home country and face starvation and imprisonment. Or she could live life on the run, knowing she could be caught any time. She chose the third option.
Samira knew she didn't have long to be in Europe. The guards would hunt her down eventually. They were backed by powerful people who had immense wealth. Once captured, she would be taken back to her country where she would be imprisoned, flogged, and maybe even killed.
The twenty-four-year-old was desperate to be free. And yet, she knew her freedom was temporary. Or was it? She fingered the card in her hand and made the call to Ax Hawke and Kael Stryker, New York's toughest PIs.